Lower Back Pain After Workout: What’s Normal, When to Worry, and Treatment Tips

Discover why lower back pain after a workout happens, what's normal, and how to relieve it with stretches from physical therapists.

Fecha de Publicación: Jan 28, 2025
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You’ve likely felt sore muscles after a tough workout or a long day of yard work. While this post-exercise soreness can be uncomfortable, it’s a normal part of your body’s recovery process and usually subsides within a day or two. But when the ache is in your lower back, it’s natural to feel more concerned.

Back pain can feel alarming, and a common reaction is to limit movement or avoid activity altogether. If working out seems to trigger your back pain, you might be tempted to stop exercising entirely — but this can actually make the pain worse over time.

“It’s okay to feel some soreness in your lower back,” says Samantha Stewart, PT, DPT, a physical therapist at Hinge Health. “What’s important is how you respond to it. It becomes a long-term issue when you either ignore it completely or stop moving out of fear.”

Read on to learn more about lower back pain after working out — what’s normal, what’s not, and what to do about it. Plus, get exercises from Hinge Health physical therapists to help treat and prevent lower back pain after working out.

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Nuestros expertos de Hinge Health

Claudia Canales, PT, DPT
El Dr. Canales es un fisioterapeuta de Hinge Health con un profundo interés en promover el bienestar y la curación para ayudar a mejorar la accesibilidad y la educación en la atención médica.
Samantha Stewart, PT, DPT
El Dr. Stewart es fisioterapeuta de Hinge Health con más de 8 años de experiencia. Está certificada en terapia de punto desencadenante miofascial.

When Is Lower Back Pain Normal After Exercise?

Pain is your body’s way of communicating with you, and it’s normal to feel some aftereffects of movement. “Your body is always giving you feedback, so it’s expected to feel this after activity,” says Dr. Stewart.

That said, not all pain is the same — it’s important to distinguish between what’s normal post-exercise soreness and what might be a sign of a problem.

“After a workout, you should feel like you’ve worked specific areas of your body,” explains Dr. Stewart. “Once people recognize this, they often associate it with a positive feeling — like a sign that their body has done the work. A little soreness or ache is okay.”

“If you’re sore because you tried a new exercise, increased your activity level, or pushed yourself harder, that’s completely normal,” Dr. Stewart adds. “Soreness and discomfort are part of the process.”

When Should You Be Concerned About Lower Back Pain After a Workout?

Some discomfort after exercise is normal, but certain symptoms may indicate a need for professional attention. If you experience any of the following lower back symptoms after a workout — or at any time — it’s a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider. 

  • Sharp, shooting pain that takes your breath away.

  • Pain that starts to radiate or spread, especially across your back or down a leg.

  • Prolonged pain, lasting for more than two days. 

  • Pain that gets worse instead of better. 

  • Limitations in your ability or confidence to move.

  • Numbness or tingling.

  • A feeling that your leg is going to give out.

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt After Working Out?

Your lower back muscles work harder than you might realize — not just during exercise but in everyday life. “Most movements you do involve your back,” explains Dr. Stewart. “Even when performing exercises like lateral raises or bent-over rows with dumbbells, your back muscles activate to support you while standing, bending over, or sitting. These muscles are engaged in nearly every posture.”

Given the constant demands on your lower back, it’s no surprise it might feel sore after a workout. Here’s more on the common contributors to lower back pain after a workout.

  • Skipping a warm-up. An inadequate or nonexistent warm-up — often a result of trying to squeeze exercise into a busy day — can leave your muscles unprepared for physical activity. A proper warm-up increases blood flow to your muscles and loosens your joints, reducing the likelihood of straining your back during a workout.

  • Overdoing it. Overexertion doesn’t always mean jumping straight into running a marathon. “It could be spending all day working in the yard, preparing for a big move, or going from a sedentary week at your desk straight into a softball tournament or intense workout class,” says Dr. Stewart. “That piling-on effect can lead to lower back pain.”

  • Rapid progressions. Challenging your body is essential for building strength and fitness, but increasing the intensity or duration of your workouts too quickly can overburden your lower back before it’s ready.

  • Not engaging your core. Your core — including your back, glutes, and abdominal muscles — stabilizes your body during nearly every movement. “If your abdominal muscles aren’t pulling their weight, your back muscles can get overtaxed,” notes Dr. Stewart. This imbalance often leads to discomfort or pain.

  • Muscle tightness. Tight muscles or stiff joints can limit your range of motion, making certain movements more difficult or awkward. When this happens, other areas of your body — like your lower back — often have to work harder to compensate. Over time, this extra effort can lead to irritation, strain, or even overuse injuries during exercise.

  • Muscle weakness. When certain muscles are weak, your body compensates by overusing others — sometimes at the expense of your lower back. Over time, this can lead to soreness.

  • Awkward positions. Whether lifting weights or twisting during a sport, your posture and movement patterns play a key role in protecting your back. “Simply leaning forward instead of standing tall during a long walk can lead to a sore back,” explains Dr. Stewart. While it’s impossible to avoid awkward movements entirely, maintaining strength, flexibility, and using techniques that feel comfortable for you can help minimize strain.

Stretches to Help Lower Back Pain After a WorkOut

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  • Back Rotation Stretch
  • Knee Hug
  • Child's Pose
  • Cat Cow
  • Prone Press Up

These dynamic and static stretches recommended by Hinge Health physical therapists are designed to help relieve lower back pain after a workout by targeting stiffness, improving flexibility, and reducing tension. They also play a preventive role, helping to keep your lower back mobile and resilient, which can minimize the risk of future discomfort during exercise or daily activities. 

The information contained in these videos is intended to be used for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or treatment for any specific condition. Hinge Health is not your healthcare provider and is not responsible for any injury sustained or exacerbated by your use of or participation in these exercises. Please consult with your healthcare provider with any questions you may have about your medical condition or treatment.

💡Did you know?

Physical therapy (PT) is for more than just recovering from surgery or injury. It’s one of the top treatments for joint and muscle pain. It helps build strength, improve mobility, and reduce pain. And it doesn't always need to be in person.

Hinge Health members can conveniently access customized plans or chat with their care team at home or on the go — and experience an average 68% reduction in pain* within the first 12 weeks of their program. Learn more*.

Lower Back Pain After Workout Remedies

Most post-workout lower back pain can be managed with conservative treatments. Here are some effective strategies to help you find relief and recover. 

  • Consult a physical therapist. “If you don’t know where the leak is and just keep mopping up the water, you need to call someone to find the leak for you,” says Dr. Stewart. A physical therapist can pinpoint the root cause of your pain and develop a personalized plan to address it. You can see a physical therapist in person or use a program like Hinge Health, where you may access a PT via telehealth/video visit.

  • Keep moving. “When something’s sore or painful, your instinct might be to stop moving. But you actually want to do the opposite,” explains Dr. Stewart. Research consistently shows that staying active helps people with back pain recover faster. Gentle activities like walking or stretching can promote blood flow, ease stiffness, and support recovery. If pain makes it hard to stay active, a physical therapist can guide you with tailored exercises

  • Use ice or heat. Both ice and heat have their benefits. Heat helps relax tight muscles and boosts blood flow to the area, while ice reduces inflammation and numbs discomfort. “After a workout, inflammation is a natural response, and ice can help manage it,” says Dr. Stewart. “Choose the option that feels best for your body and apply it for 10–15 minutes at a time as needed.”

  • Try over-the-counter medication. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and acetaminophen (Tylenol), can be helpful for lower back pain after a workout. It's important to make sure that you can safely take these medications based on your medical history, and they should be a short-term solution to help you get back to normal activity.

6 Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain After Workout

These strategies will help you prepare your back for activity, avoid overloading it, and minimize post-workout discomfort.

  1. Warm up. Spend five to 10 minutes on a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for exercise. Gradually increasing your heart rate and range of motion reduces your risk of straining muscles or joints. “It’s like walking into the pool rather than jumping into the deep end,” says Dr. Stewart.

  2. Build core strength. A strong core provides essential support for your lower back and helps prevent strain during workouts. “Balance and strength throughout your core are key,” says Dr. Stewart. While a weak core isn’t necessarily the cause of back pain, strengthening your deep core muscles can significantly reduce your risk of back pain.

  3. Pace yourself. Avoid sudden increases in workout intensity, duration, or activity level, as these can strain your back. “This goes for the length of time you’re exercising, the distance you’re running, or the amount of weight you’re lifting,” says Dr. Stewart. “I recommend following the 10% rule.” For example, increase a 10-pound weight by no more than a pound at a time. “Easing into things prevents strain and helps you build strength safely,” Dr. Stewart adds.

  4. Stay flexible. Tight hamstrings or restricted movement can place extra stress on your lower back. Regular stretching improves flexibility, enhances your range of motion, and reduces the risk of back pain.

  5. Vary your workouts. “Your body craves variety,” says Dr. Stewart. Mix up your routine to prevent overworking the same muscles and underusing others. Cross-training not only reduces muscle imbalances but also keeps your body challenged in new ways. 

  6. Cool down. Just like it’s important to ease into activity, it’s important to ease out of it, too. “You want to make sure the joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles in your lower back don’t overreact and tighten when you stop moving,” says Dr. Stewart. Light activity, like walking and stretching, prevents this from happening. “Don’t finish a run and immediately sit down,” says Dr. Stewart. “A short cool-down can make a big difference.”

PT Tip: Stay Mindful 

“Don’t mentally check out when you move your body,” says Dr. Stewart. “It’s easy to overlook how much you’re using your lower back until it starts to feel sore or painful.” Pay attention to your body — be aware of what you’re doing, how much you’re doing, and how you’re moving. This mindfulness can help prevent overloading your lower back during workouts.

How Hinge Health Can Help You

If you have joint or muscle pain that makes it hard to move, you can get the relief you’ve been looking for with Hinge Health’s online exercise therapy program

The best part: You don’t have to leave your home because our program is digital. That means you can easily get the care you need through our app, when and where it works for you.  

Through our program, you’ll have access to therapeutic exercises and stretches for your condition. Additionally, you’ll have a personal care team to guide, support, and tailor our program to you. 

See if you qualify for Hinge Health and confirm free coverage through your employer or benefit plan here.

This article and its contents are provided for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice or professional services specific to you or your medical condition.

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  1. Gordon, R. and Bloxham, S. (2016). A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Healthcare, 4(2):22.doi:10.3390/healthcare4020022

  2. Raabe, M.E. and Chaudhari, A.M.W. (2018). Biomechanical consequences of running with deep core muscle weakness. Journal of Biomechanics, 23(67), 98–105.doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.11.037.

  3. Shiri, R., Coggon, D., & Falah-Hassani, K. (2017). Exercise for the Prevention of Low Back Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials. American Journal of Epidemiology, 187(5), 1093–1101. doi:10.1093/aje/kwx337